Fake Your British Accent
Music Video
Directed by Mich Page and Meg Smith
Executive Producer: Sean G. Alt
Producer: Kim Lambick
Creative Producer: Gary Matthey Ryan
Production Co. Tillkim Productions
Costume Designer: Molly Martin
Assistant Costume Designer: Freddie Patrick
Seamstress: Maka West
BG Set Costumer: Tyrone Zhang
Production Co. Voodoo Visuals
Featured: Queen Elizabeth Cape
Meg’s coronation costume was an homage to Queen Elizabeth’s coronation. Her dress and cape were made by hand by myself, Molly, and Maka. We could not find any ermine fur to line the edges with so we individually attached each black tuft of fur to the white fur on the back and edges of the cape. The gold designs on the bottom of the cape and the metallic designs on the edges of her dress skirt were also designed and ironed-on by Molly and me. The tassels on the shoulders of the cape were also spray painted and tied by me.